9831378911 / 9831368911 / 9007829461     principalthk@gmail.com , thkjaincollege@gmail.com


AQAR 2021-2022

AQAR 2021-2022


1.1.1. Effective Curriculum delivery

1.1.2. Continuous Internal Evaluation

1.1.3. Teacher participation in curriculum development and assessment

1.2.1. CBCS implementation of all programs

1.2.2 -1.2.3. Certificate courses of 2021-22 session

1.3.1. Integration of human values in curriculum

1.3.2.-1.3.3. Courses with experiential and participative learning

1.4.1.-1.4.2. Feedback on Curriculum

2.1.1. Enrollment of students in the current session

2.1.2. Names of Reserved Category

2.2.1. Programs for Advanced and Weak Learners

2.2.2. Student Full-Time Teacher ratio

2.3.1. Student centric methods for enhancing learning experiences

2.3.2- ICT enabled tools for effective teaching learning process

2.3.3. Mentor-Mentee List of 2021-2022 session

2.4.1. - 2.4.3. List of Full-Time Teachers

2.4.2. Full time Teachers with PhD

2.5.1. Mechanism of Internal Assessment

2.5.2. Internal examination related grievances

2.6.1. Program and Course Outcome of BA-BSc-BCom-BBA-2021-2022

2.6.1. PO-CO-Additional file

2.6.2. Attainment of PO and CO

2.6.3. Average Pass Percentage of Students

2.7.1. SSS Feedback analysis -2021-2022 Session

3.1.1. Grants from Government and Non-Government Agencies

3.1.3. Flyers of College Events-online and Offline

3.1.2. Research Grants to Departments

3.1.3. Report on College events-online and offline

3.2.1. Paper Publication of Teachers

3.2.2. Book Publication of Teachers

3.3.1 Extension Activities carried out for Neighbourhood Community

3.3.2. Awards for Extension Activities

3.3.3.-3.3.4. Extension and Outreach Programs conducted NSS

3.4.1. Collaborations and Linkages for Student Exchange

3.4.2. Institutional MoUs with Other Organizations

4.1.1. Adequate Infrastructure and Physical Facilities for Teaching Learning

4.1.2. Facilities for Cultural Activities, Games and Sports

4.1.3. ICT Enabled Rooms

4.1.4. Total Expenses and Expenses for Infrastructure Augmentation

4.2.1. Library Automation

4.2.2. Library e-resources

4.2.3. Library expenses 2021-2022

4.2.4. Per day usage of Lib and online resources

4.3.1. Institutional IT Facilities

4.3.2. Student-Computer Ratio

4.3.3. Bandwidth of Internet Connection

4.4.1. Expenses on Physical and Academic Facilities

4.4.2. Maintenance of Academic and Physical Facilities

5.1.1. Government scholarships

5.1.2. College scholarships and concessions

5.1.3. Capacity Building and Skill Enhancement Initiatives 21-22 Session

5.1.4. Career Counselling and Guidance

5.1.5. Redressal of Student Grievances.pdf

5.2.1. Student placement

5.2.2. Student Progression

5.2.3. Students Qualifying in National Level Examination

5.3.1. Awards in Academic-Sports-Cultural activities

5.3.2. Student representation and engagement in various activities

5.3.3. Student participation in sports and cultural events

5.4.1. Alumni Activities

5.4.2. Alumni contribution

6.1.1. Vision and Mission of College

6.1.2. Effective Leadership in decentralization and participative management

6.2.1. The Institutional Strategic-Perspective Plan for the session 2021-2022

6.2.1. Additional file of Strategic Plan for the session 2021-2022

6.2.2. Functioning of College Bodies and College Set-Up

6.2.3. Implementation of e-governance

6.3.1. Welfare measures for Teaching and Non-Teaching staff

6.3.2. Financial support for Conferences and Workshops

6.3.3. FDP training programs organized by college

6.3.4. Teachers attending FDP

6.3.5. Performance Appraisal system for Teaching and Non-Teaching staffs

6.4.1. Internal and External Audit

6.4.2. Grants from Non-Government and Philanthroper

6.4.3. Mobilization of funds and resources

6.5.1. Contribution of IQAC for quality assurance

6.5.2. Review of Teaching Learning by IQAC

6.5.3. Initiatives by IQAC

7.1.1. Promotion of Gender equity

7.1.2. Alternate Sources of Energy

7.1.3. Instititutional Waste Management

7.1.4. Water Conservation Facilities

7.1.5. Green Initiatives of College

7.1.6. Environment and Energy Initiatives

7.1.7. Disabled Friendly Environment

7.1.8. Inclusive Environment of Institution

7.1.9. Sensitization towards Constitutional Obligation

7.1.10. Institutional Code of Conduct

7.1.11. Celebration of Commemorative days

7.2.1. Institutional Best Practices Additional file

7.2.1. Institutional Values and Best Practices 2021-2022

7.3.1. Institutional Distinctiveness Additional File

View Academic Calendar 2021-2022

Number of Sanctioned Posts of Session 2021-2022


Minutes of Meeting