The Department of Economics of Tara Devi Harakh Chand
Kankaria Jain College has become prominent through the
continuous academic activities since its inception year,
2010. Economics, as a subject, is compulsory for the
students of Commerce and Business Administration etc. The
Department offers generic elective papers to the students of
Geography. The Department organizes several academic
programmes such as Solo Lectures, Webinars, Seminar,
Workshops etc on contemporary issues and thoughts in
economics in augmenting and enriching the knowledge among
the faculties and the students.
The department organizes several activities that include
seminars, solo lecture sessions by eminent speakers,
displaying of relevant economics news updates to enhance the
cognitive development of students.
Currently, the department is in the process of publishing ICSSR funded peer-reviewed edited volume in economics as a joint venture with the Department of Commerce, Vidyasagar Evening College, Kolkata.