1.3.2. Students undertaking Project work - Field work Internships in 2022-2023
1.4.1. Feedback and Action Taken Report for last 5 years
3.2.2. Workshops-Seminar-Conferences organized in last 5 years
3.5.1. Functional MoUs in last 5 years
5.1.2. Additional file - Soft skill and Trends in Technology
5.2.1. Student Employment in last 5 years
5.2.1. Student Progression to Higher Education in last 5 years
5.3.1. Awards - Medals for Outstanding Performance
6.2.1. Perspective Plan and Deployment Process
6.5.2. IQAC Minutes of Meetings and Action Taken Report from 2018-19 to 2022-23
7.2.1. Best Practices of College
7.3.1. Institutional Distinctiveness