Program Offered: 4 years B.Com Hons & Hons with Research
.B.Com. Course Structure under CCF
The Department of Commerce was established in the year 2008 being
entitled to offer B.Com Hons and General course under University of
This department is well equipped with the qualified and efficient
faculty members comprising of both experienced academicians and
professional experts in one hand and the fresh energetic teachers on
the other. The students are provided with the facilities like
sufficient text and reference books in both central and departmental
libraries, a well-equipped computer laboratory for their IT
practical and Project Work for B.Com (Hons) Part-III. Apart from the
regular class routine the students can access the remedial and
tutorial classes by concerned subject teacher in their need.
In addition to the regular class routine the department arranges
special lectures by eminent academicians from reputed institutions
and professional experts from different organizations, industrial
visits and career counselling programmes for intellectual enrichment
of the students.
In the year 2013, it organized a state level seminar in
collaboration with U.G. Board of Studies, University of Calcutta, on
"Emerging Issues of Finance" in which a large number of eminent
academicians from different renowned universities, colleges and
professional experts from different organizations delivered their
speeches and presented their papers. Moreover, the faculty members
regularly attend the workshops conducted by the University of
Calcutta regarding the syllabi and question pattern and seminars on
different topics in different universities and other academic